The Museum features a number of prints from renowned Canadian aviation artist Don Connolly. His donation of "Sabres Supreme," and several others, help us tell the RCAF story.
We are proud to showcase many original paintings and prints by Miramichi's own Peter J. Robichaud. In "Miramichi One-O-Wonder," Peter pays tribute to 416 Squadron and the 22 years they spent at Canadian Forces Base Chatham, NB.
Marc Magee painted "Loaded for Bear" just in time for the 75th anniversary of RCAF Station/Canadian Forces Base Chatham in July, 2016. Then he decided to donate it to the Museum!
One of our paintings by Peter Robichaud, "Golden Oldie", portrays a Canadair F-86 Sabre of the RCAF Golden Hawks flying solo. The painting was signed by the original Lead Solo (1959-1960) of the Golden Hawks, Colonel Ralph Annis of McAdam, NB.